Annelie from Sweden
Poll results: Number 6 overall. Excellent: 10 votes Very Good: 9 votes Good: 5 votes Very Poor: 2 votes
From: Pro-Freedom
(Tue Aug 31 17:31:26 2004)
The UN hasn't served us well in the last 60 years, especially in the last ten, when all the world's socialists and anti-Americans gang up on us.
From: Al Hingston
(Thu Sep 16 05:37:27 2004)
Maybe they have good reason to gang up on the USA and maybe the USA should listen to them
From: Unconventional American
(Tue Sep 21 09:42:48 2004)
America is in a difficult position, whereby we are damned if we intervene, and cursed if we chose to remain on the sidelines. Unfortunately, most of the world would prefer that we just shut up and send money and toops to wherever the UN wants. The fundemental purpose of a nation is to serve its own self interests, and I have yet to see a single nation that does otherwise. Still, the rest of the world expects America to be selfless. There are far too many American soldiers buried around the world from WWI through Kosovo for anyone to imply that America owes the world a debt. It's been paid manyfold in blood and tears. The UN watched the massacres in Yugoslavia and America and NATO stopped it. Koffi Annon could have single handedly stopped the Rwandan massacre before it even started, and yet he accuses Europe of racial genocide through inaction. People ignorant of the facts should refrain from voicing opinions as fact. Better to be silent and though a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
From: Unconventional American
(Tue Sep 21 11:34:21 2004)
On the off-chance that someone actualy reads this, I know the previous post sounded smug, but Europe and the world need to understand that we Americans are largely a country of people who (minus the descendants of slaves) came here of our own free will, who voted with our feet and left Europe (and the rest of the world) behind, rejecting her notions and monarchies and conceits. We are a people, who by definition, saw the world differently than most Europeans and tried to get away from them. As John Belushi once said "We are Americans. Than means our forfathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world". We are going to see things differently than the UN. In many ways, the UN symbalizes everything our grandparents tried to get away from. It's ironic that the ambassadors from some of the worst dictatorships in the world get to practice democracy and vote in the general assemby and security council to stop the spread of democracy.
America is the new kid on the block, and like many teenagers, we make our share of mistakes, but more often than not we rise to the occasion and do the right thing. More often than not, Europeans talk and talk and talk, until it's too late. The European "policy" of appeasement has never worked. There are no data points to support it, yet it is the only foreign policy they ever practice. The Dutch are the only continentals worth a damn. They resisted the Germans longer than any other county (minus England) and were the only ones who officialy tried to protect the Jews. The only effective fighting unit the French can assemble is made entirely of foreign criminals. Oh, and they sell weapons and reactors to everybody. Between them and China, they've armed more dictators than I can count. Spain capitulated to the islamists (not even worth a capitol "I") but al quaeda still intends to reconquer Moorish lands. The list of sins goes on and on. Sure, we didn't sign the Kyoto accords, but we're already one of the cleanest countries out there. We've had environmental polution controls on our cars since the early 1960's. Europe just took lead out of gasoline a few years ago. France kept doing above-ground nuclear bomb testing decades after the other powers stopped.
We're the big kid on the block, and we throw our weight around. I understand how that can bother folks from 2nd-rate countries who are only still speaking their native tongue because we arranged it so that they didn't have to learn German or Russian, and I understand that they want to feel strong after decades of our protection, but more often then not, were the nice "big kid" on the street who keeps the more dangerous big kids away. I've taken a few cheap shots here, for humor's sake and to be provocative, but after all the times we've helped the world, you'd think they could cut us a little slack and help us in our time of need.
From: Ken
(Fri Oct 8 09:42:21 2004)
Well, I'm not impressed by this lady. Pay our debts? Excuse me? We have written off debts owed us by many other nations repeatedly over the past century. Exactly what debts do we owe?
From: [email protected]
(Sat Oct 9 04:06:51 2004)
To Unconventional American :
You cannot trade indefinitely on the positive actions and courage of Americans and administrations long dead.
The America of today is seen by many as tyrannical, the King George the III of the globe, an unelected lunatic who demands allegiance at the point of a gun.
Now I don't personally hold that view, but your comments are not doing anything to address that perception.
It is no longer acceptable (if it ever was) for 1% of the world�s population to dictate to the other 99% how things will be, to use 25% of the world�s energy resources and to just generally be arrogant and ignorant.
Historically tiny and privileged elites have either accommodated the masses demanding their rights (as the UK aristocracy did in the 19th century) or come to a very sticky end (as did the French Aristocracy in the 18th).
Now it is our turn, the developed world of which the EU and US make up the bulk, need to address the terrible globally imbalances in wealth and opportunity ... or else. That is the historical pattern.
From: Nichole
(Tue Oct 26 12:29:05 2004)
PEACE.. oh yes, a must... JUSTICE... Uh huuh cant argue... UN? Ummmmmmmm Well... "Houston we have a problem" Does "Food for arms" sound familiar? DEBT??!! HUH??!! Who do we owe? Am I missing something? ASAP? What in the world is she talking about?
From: Jimmy fae Scotland
(Thu Oct 28 11:10:47 2004)
What debts do you owe?? You need to get educated - and not on Fox News (too much foxing). America is owned by Japan.
From: jay
(Thu Oct 28 13:45:01 2004)
Many of you are an embarrassment to the american people. I know this will be falling on deaf ears so i'm losing interest as i write. Get educated, read books, journals, reports, get involved in educated debate and reason, turn off your corporate owned T.V and THINK!! Only then can you have an opinion. This is the reason the world is very interested in the US election. If any american still can't understand how the US election could impact the world then their blind patriotism/faith has indeed blinded them to reality. So many people have such little knowledge yet talk so much.....i'm sorry to say, people and the world is in a very sorry state.
From: ben
(Thu Oct 28 19:40:52 2004)
You see Jay there is a bit of a problem. You say to get educated and watch something besides Fox news. (which I watch whatever news station happens to be on) You say that we are blinded by our conservative leaning news source, but so are you. I will not be so presumptious as to call you uneducated, but you seem to be commiting the same fallacies that you are accusing Americans of. I would tend to agree with unconventional americans views. I don't wish any harm on the rest of the world, and as it is I wish that we had never gotten involved in this mess in Iraq. Some good could have been done there, but now I fear it will never happen because of the people resisting change. Which, I suppose, is understandable. But the thing that I think Americans are sick of is that while the UN and every other nation in the world (with the exception of 30) are furious that we are in Iraq, they are also furious that we aren't in countless other countries too. If the UN is so great why don't they ever get off their ass and do something??? I am all for the US pulling out of the UN and cutting off all monetary support. Why?? well, among other things the Oil for Food scandal that numerous EU countries were involved in. I mean give me a break. As someone stated earlier, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. I watched a lot of the videos on this site and it just reinforced my point. While half of the videos from South America were telling us the the rest of the world doesn't need our help, half of the videos from Africa were telling us that they do need our help. So what do we do? And if the world is in a very sorry state (as you say) how is that completely our fault? What about the UN or the EU? Why don't you guys put your MONEY where your mouth is. Pretty easy to be look back on things the US has done and criticize, all the while not doing a damn thing yourself. You want people in the world to be free and have a fighting chance at life? Then send your nation's troops into desolate 3rd world countries and help. Now I think that I have been pretty objective. I can understand why people are upset with the US right now. People are convinced that the only reason we are in Iraq is for oil. We haven't taken a f*****g barrel, not one. I am paying the highest prices at the gas pump in years. Just think about it.
From: richard
(Fri Oct 29 11:28:09 2004)
if unconventional american were runing for president he would get my vote
oh yea ... ben can be my vice pres
From: jay
(Sat Oct 30 03:54:47 2004)
Ben....a few questions. (1) How am I blinded by my news sources? You stated '...but so are you', is this admittance that you are blinded? (2) I'm very interested to hear some more reasons why you think it's a good idea for the US to pull out of the UN? Your Oil for for food reason is a very week reason indeed. Several US comapnies and individuals have been investigated for providing Saddams government with goods prohibited by UN sanctions after the 1991 Persian Gulf war. The names of these companies were kept classified. Charles Duelfer has said this himself. hmmmm I wonder why? (3) Have you read the Duelfer report? (4) '.....numerous EU countries were involved in. I mean give me a break.' What do you mean by this? (5) '...half of the videos from South America were telling us the the rest of the world doesn't need our help, half of the videos from Africa were telling us that they do need our help.' Maybe you should pay heed to this? Maybe if money used to intervene/oragnise coups in South America over the past countless years ( El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Venezuela) to overthrow democratically elected governments, and the billions spent on bombs, was moved to help desolate(using your word) countries in Africa? (6) Can you imagine the admiration the world would feel for America if this happened? Bush is obviously interested in helping people. He's made 'Spreading freedom, liberty, democracy' the center point for his whole campaign! YOU need to think about it.
From: ben
(Sat Oct 30 21:21:25 2004)
jay...I responded to you, but an error message came up and it was so long that I can't really remember what all was said. But if I can find the time I will respond again later.
From: Ryan C
(Sun Oct 31 13:57:06 2004)
Ben, you running for pres next term? I think you'd be a good counter to Hilary or Kerry depending on who wins Nov. 2.
From: ben
(Sun Oct 31 23:13:42 2004)
no...I am not...I would get slaughtered in any kind of debate...let alone an election. Oh yeah...and Jay...your response is coming as soon as I get off my ass and get to it...I promise. By the way Jay...that was me that posted under your name. I know that it was you that did it to pro-freedom know...alls fair. I promise not to do that anymore if you will do the same.
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