Name Not Given - Palestine Man 2, "we are living in this world as one city . . . we are human beings . . . we are facing the same problems in life" Viewed: 215 times.
| General (Ret) Ihsan 1 - Amman, Jordan, "I don't think the American people know enough about the Palestinian problem" Viewed: 185 times.
| General (Ret) Ihsan 2 - Amman, Jordan, "people in the Middle East are very angry with the politics of the United States . . . I don't think the American people know enough about the Palestinian problem . . . United States policies are shaped by special interest groups" Viewed: 211 times.
Hassan M. Jaber 2 - Palestine Viewed: 207 times.
| Hassan M. Jaber 1 - Palestine Viewed: 292 times.
| Hassan Jaber, Gaza, Palestine
"Please don't repeat the mistake ...who made Bin Laden? The Americans. Who made Saddam Hussein? The Americans." Viewed: 361 times.