Name Not Given - Australia,
"Americans...don't take it upon themselves to find out information."
Poll results: Number 2 overall. Excellent: 5 votes Very Good: 3 votes Good: 2 votes Poor: 7 votes
From: Pro-Freedom
(Tue Aug 31 17:25:03 2004)
Ummm...pot calling kettle!
From: Ken
(Fri Oct 8 09:49:51 2004)
True enough for a good portion of the U.S. population. Fortunely, probably not the majority.
From: the rest of the world
(Fri Oct 15 18:31:27 2004)
I would have to disagree with that. You might be informed yourself Ken, but think about the millions more who's judgement may be a wee bit on the witless side.
From: ben
(Thu Oct 28 19:51:19 2004) is she talking about...lonely? These videos are starting to make no sense. So rest of the world, who are you calling witless? America, or...the rest of the world. *sigh* I'm so lonely....guess I'll go have a life in front of my TV.
From: Brian from Boston
(Fri Oct 29 16:34:45 2004)
Lonely??? Exactly WTF!!!! ( WTF used to be my lonely paintball team name) Take upon ourselves to get information. Shee's, wonder what Im doing know? I wonder if these people knew their vidoes were going on a website? Well, Im going to go and watch my satellite t.v in HD that I get 20 foreign news channels from.
From: Chris
(Tue Nov 16 22:55:47 2004)
Wow. Well, I wanted to talk to someone about this vieo but there was no one around to talk to- I am too lonely (in my huge populous country). She is speaking totally off the cuff and has it 99% wrong. I believe there is a kernel of truth here though. Americans see themselves maybe as well informed (by viewing mainstream media, maybe?) but the world sees America a basically stupid (via our goverment's foreign policy decisions). It was our call on election day to make changes as we saw fit. I believe that a great many people in a great many of countries will now see us as an ignorant mass. Maybe on the world stage- lonely.
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