Sean - Canada, "People fight over oil in other countries where they shouldn't really even be . . . how many lives have to be lost"
Poll results: Number 3 overall. Excellent: 12 votes Very Good: 3 votes Good: 5 votes Very Poor: 3 votes
From: richard
(Fri Oct 29 10:37:54 2004)
you stupid moron if we wanted their oil dont you think we would just take it in case you have not noticed gas is over 2 dollars a gallon now. so just .............well...a
From: Jon
(Sun Oct 31 10:05:02 2004)
If we really wanted oil, we wouldn't be trying to build up thier government so they can govern themselves. We would have just taken over Iraq and we wouldn't need to pay such high prices for gas.
I believe that the reason gas prices are high is so that THEY can jump-start their own economy. Once their economy starts rising, gas prices will go down again. That is just this man's theory.
From: Suzcky
(Sun Oct 31 17:26:53 2004)
Wow how ignorant... haha. The Bush administration is lying to you and these people actually believe them about the oil. I'm sorry this is too funny
From: Ben
(Wed Nov 3 18:42:32 2004)
Suzcky...go back to one of the earlier videos and read how ignorant you are. Give it a rest. You are not nearly as educated on these subjects as you would like to think.
From: Chris
(Thu Nov 4 04:02:31 2004)
I agree with this guy. Why are we there anyway? To free Iraqis? Well, using W's logic we should be freeing North Koreans, Cubans, Palestinians, ... heck, even Native Americans! We are there for oil. If Iraq were nothing but vast fields of broccoli then we wouldn't be there. The fact of the matter is that there is oil. And, no, we couldn't just "take them over"- stop sounding so "middle school". Have any of you ever heard of the Geneva Convention? Or maybe even simple logic? Are any of you related to Napolean or Hitler or something? You sound like fools and the world reads these pages.
From: Ben
(Thu Nov 4 12:21:54 2004)
Chris--I like broccoli so I would be all for a war for big broccoli. (especially if it was right next to the elysian cheese fields--yummy). Well, I would just like to know where is all that damned oil? I am paying dearly at the pump. This might be a stupid argument, but its about on the same level as yours.
From: redneck american
(Mon Nov 8 08:41:06 2004)
it couldn't be the high prices for gas are because there's limited oil in this world and more and more of it is used everyday. God Bless this Christian Nation and its cheap gas! who cares if people have to die to keep gas prices down? as long as i get to work at my shitty ass job making enough money to pay for cable tv, i'll be one happy american. Power of Pride!!!!
From: Ben
(Tue Nov 9 06:43:33 2004)
Redneck American...way to play on the stereotype. Thanks for showing your ignorance about Americans in general.
From: Chris
(Tue Nov 9 22:46:11 2004)
Ben- I'm not so sure about the cheese but a nice organic broccoli would be nice- the world should eat more of it. On the oil issue I am not so sure that Iraqi oil will bring prices down when it comes back online. The big oil interests have seen that we all will happily pay what we have been for our gas and heating oil and leave prices where they are. There is no self policing that the industry SHOULD have. As far as where the oil is? They are saying that it will take a while to get the machinery and pipelines all back in working order to start shipping it again. On that note- shouldn't we have an energy policy that would work towards sustainable, clean, environmentally friendly energy independence? That may help to keep us out of wars and also keep us from destroying a global ecosystem.
From: redneck american
(Thu Nov 11 18:44:47 2004)
them there's fightin' words...
From: Ben
(Sat Nov 13 12:41:01 2004)
Hey Chris I am all for an alternative energy source, but how long will it take. We need it pretty quick. I read an article the other day that said oil refineries around the world are running at max capacity and they just can't take on any more oil right now. Until somebody invests some capital into new refineries in different parts of the world we have pretty much reached our limit on oil it seems. Something really has to be done.
From: Zephyr
(Sun Nov 14 10:52:24 2004)
oh please. The reason oil prices are going up is because bush and his cronies are MAKING them go up.
From: Ben
(Tue Nov 16 16:39:10 2004)
Thanks Zephyr--you proved yet again that you are omniscient.
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